Tuesday 4 December 2012

Unit 62; pre-production considerations

The things we need to consider for the pre-production of this project will consists of the following;
  • Finance
  • Timescale
  • Personnel
  • Facilities
  • Materials
  • Contribuitors
  • Locations
  • Codes of practice

Finance in this specific project doesn't necessary means how much we are paying actors etc. to feature in our video, matter of fact it doesn't mean that at all. it means the budget we have available to us for the usage of renting out equipment etc.

In our case we do not have a budget for finance as all the equipment we need are available for free, as Bluecoat have all the required equipment we need for example the video cameras for the recording of our video, the only process we need to follow is the booking process where we need to book the equipment a week before as other classes may have booked the equipment before us.


Our pre-production will last for 15 days, we started on the Mon 26//11/12 and are expected to finish at Friday 14/12/12. The pre-production consists of; market research, risk assesments, initial client briefs etc

The next phase is the production of the video this will begin on the Friday 25/1/12 and should be finished by Monday 25/2/12.

The post-production will start on the Friday 15/2/13 and should be finished Thursday 28/3/12
on the Tuesday 19/3/12 will be the final presentation to the client of the final video.

The consequences of me not meeting the deadlines could lead to me losing valuable marks which could also lead to me failing units as well as falling behind on work. This is probably one of the main reasons why deadlines are incurred. If we look at it in real life work we would receive warnings to remind us and then possibly getting sacked in the end if it continues.

For the production of the video we will need a group of children of both genders possibly enduring an Physical Education lesson but aswell as enjoying the lesson. i personally feel we need a group of chilfrens from different backgrounds and culture aswell as including disabled children so students from the learning support unit will have some sort of involvement in the production. We, me and my partner Deniz will be controlling the equiptment as we have had previous experience from our previous project. Possibly have the involvement of a teacher teaching the Physical Education lesson we can possibly ask MR. DH to play that specific role. We would possibly ask ST from our class to give us a hand with the video editing as he has a lot of experience with this.


This section is kind of linked with the personnel of this project, but we will most likely use students from the school to be the contribuitors as they are from the school and we are trying to promote within the school.

As the video is going to be based around raising the profile of sport for Bluecoat academy within school but prodominately outside of school. promoting the ethos and visions of  the schools sport and PE for future generations, so therefore we want to use the school as the main scene to convey the message to the target audience. The sports equiptment will be free to use as there schools equpment so therefore ill just need to enquire to the PE head office about the booking of the equipment needed.

No specific costumesare needed as they jsut need to be wearning the bluecoat PE kit so the audience knows what school it is thats promoting this media production. everything will be school based so theres free of charge for pretty much everything but if they were to be charges i wouldve compared different stores around nottingham and go with the best deal.

We will most likely stick with the 'personnel' of the project and not use any external contributors with members of the public etc.Although we could have an interview with a high profiled local sportsmen for example a Former Bluecoat student who is now playing for a professional football club.

We did a recce of possible locations where we will record our video, we did the reccee within school becasue the video will be based around school we took pictures of different locations aswell as creative angles.

For the locations we considered if it would suit our [urpose of the video for example; it wouldnt make sense if we were to do a sport based video in an art room. Also the location itself needs to have right amount of space, lighting so that the video can come out clear etc.The plus side of recording the video within school is that theres no cost of a fee but we just need to notify teachers that we would be using a specific location for our video.

We will need to consider the healthand safety of the contributors and personnel. Making sure that they are not in danger of getting hurt and if so is it avoidable? another thing that is positive for us videoing within the school is that every location is health and safety checked.

Codes of practice

  • The following codes of practice are related to the making of videos. 

  • OFCOM- This is a company who helps providers on how to handle complaints from consumers. The Code of Practice provides consistency in standards and gives Ofcom powers to take enforcement action against those providers who do not treat complainants fairly. The Code requires providers to ensure the fair and timely resolution of complaints, and have procedures that are transparent and accessible so that consumers can easily find out how to make a complaint.

  • BECTU- BECTU is the independent trade union for those working in broadcasting, film, theatre, entertainment, leisure, interactive media and allied areas. The union represents staff and contract and freelance workers who are based primarily in the United Kingdom. they provide a wide range of services heres a list of the many;
  • Negotiating pay, conditions and contracts with employers
  • Personal advice and representation for individual members
  • Advice and representation on health and safety
  • Benefits and servicesfor BECTU members
  • A union journal, Stage Screen and Radio published eight times a year.
  • A website designed to improve access to the union's advice and support.

  • PACT- Pact is a UK trade association representing and promoting the commercial interests of independent feature film, television, digital, children's and animation media companies. They offer a comprehensive support service for there members in terms of legal and business affairs advice. This includes access to a library of contracts and advice documents which will help you do business.

1 comment:

  1. A detailed account of your pre-production considerations. Add in more discussion around each comment/element and give examples of where this is relevant in the industry.
